NCNU-EE Professors' Informations
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  • Communication Group
    王瑞騰 Jui Teng Wang
    Title: Professor
    Background: Ph. D., National Chiao-Tung University
    Specialty: Wireless Communications, Cognitive Radio, Wireless network
    Office:Room 310 of BST-III
    TEL:+886-49-2910960 ext. 4732
    E-mail:[email protected]
    E-mail:[email protected]
    李彥文 Yin-Man Lee
    Title: Associate Professor
    Background: Ph.D., National Chiao-Tung University
    Specialty: (1) Wireless Communications (2) Adaptive Signal Processing (3) Space-Time Processing
    Office: Room 213-2 of BST-III
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960 ext.4765
    E-mail:[email protected]
    黃建華 Jane Hwa Huang
    Title: Assistant Professor
    Background: Ph.D., National Cheng Kung University
    Specialty:Two-hop Cooperative Cellular Network, Multi-hop Cooperative Internet of Things, Wireless Cooperative Mesh Network, Radio Resource Management
    Office: Room 311 of BST-III
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960 ext.4829
    E-mail:[email protected]
    張進福 Jin-Fu Chang
    Title: Emeritus Professor
    Background: Ph.D., UC Berkeley
    Specialty: Performance analysis, Communication technology, Network communications, Mobile communications
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960
    Fax.: +886-49-2912569
    E-mail:[email protected]
    魏學文 Shyue-Win Wei
    Title: Professor
    Background: Ph. D, National Chiao-Tung University
    Specialty: (1) xDSL (2) Wireless Communications (3) Digital Transmission Systems (4) Error-Correcting Codes
    Office: Room 216-3 of BST-I
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960 ext.4882/4160
    E-mail:[email protected]
    陳文雄 Wen-Shiung Chen
    Title: Professor
    Background: Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, USA
    Specialty: (1)Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (2)Data Compression (3)Biometric Recognition (4)Mobile Computing and Networking
    Office: Room 216-1 of BST-I
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960 ext.4880
    E-mail:[email protected]
    林佑昇 Yo-Sheng Lin
    Title: Chair Professor and Chairman of Dept. Electrical Engineering
    Background: Ph. D., National Taiwan University
    Specialty: RFIC Designs, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling of RF Active and Passive Devices
    Office: Room 103 of BST-III
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960 ext.4701
    E-mail:[email protected]
    許孟烈 Meng-Lieh Sheu
    Title: Professor
    Background: Ph.D, National Chiao-Tung University
    Specialty: VLSI Design/Testing, Sensor Readout
    Office: Room 216-2 of BST-I
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960 ext.4881
    E-mail:[email protected]
    李佩君 Pei-Jun Lee
    Title: Professor
    Background: Ph.D, National Taiwan University
    Specialty: Video transmission, Video coding, Video/Image processing, Error concealment, DSP application
    Office: Room 101 of BST-III
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960 ext.4985
    E-mail:[email protected]
    林容杉 Jung-Shan Lin
    Title: Associate Professor
    Background: Ph.D, UCLA
    Specialty: Wireless Transmission Technique, Automotive Control Systems, Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design, Nonlinear Systems Analysis
    Office: Room 414 of BST-I
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960 ext.4801
    E-mail:[email protected]
    洪志偉 Jeih-weih Hung
    Title: Associate Professor
    Background: Ph.D, National Taiwan University
    Specialty:Digital Signal Processing, Speech Processing, Speech Recognition, Speaker Recognition
    Office: Room 415 of BST-I
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960 ext.4802
    E-mail:[email protected]
    郭耀文 Yaw-Wen Kuo
    Title: Associate Professor
    Background: Ph.D, National Chiao-Tung University
    Specialty: Traffic scheduling, WLAN, WiMAX, Sensor networks, Embedded system
    Office: Room 419 of BST-I
    Tel.: +886-49-2910960 ext.4806
    E-mail:[email protected]
    翁偉中 Wei-Chung Weng
    Title: Associate Professor
    Background: Ph.D., The University of Mississippi, USA
    Specialty: Antenna design, Microwave engineering, Computational electromagnetic, Microwave integrated circuits (MICs), EMC/EMI, Engineering education, Optimization techniques in electromagnetic problems
    Office: Room 422 of BST-I
    TEL:+886-49-2910960 ext. 4878
    E-mail:[email protected]